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About Us

My name is Orly Malessa I'm an Israeli film producer, director and scriptwriter (M.A/ B.F.A Studies) I was born in Tigray. I was raised on the stories of those brave heroes and dedicated "Feqri Gedli" my first feature film, to tell their story. "Feqri Gedli" (love and war) is a professional Tigrinya independent feature film. This fictional movie tells the story of the brave generation of Tigriyan freedom fighters, who defeated the evil Communist Derg regime. Nowadays, and for the last two years when the Ethiopian government of Abyi Ahmed Ali, is committing genocide against its ethnic Tigrinya citizens, a new generation of Tigriyans are giving their life to protect their land and people. When history repeats itself Feqri Gedli's movie plot and message becomes relevant and up to date. The Feqri Gedli movie can help international audiences in general and Tigriyan diaspora in particular, understanding the precious personal price those freedom fighter heroes are paying on behalf of their nation. There is a saying in Tigrinya, if you can't do something for a person, at least tell his story. This is what this movie is all about.   The ongoing genocide and atrocities happening in Tigray has to be documented for the sake of history and humanity. We should remember the past in order to learn from it to save future generations. Words alone can't tell the whole story and visual documentation is essential. Cherishing the past is important but capturing the present has its own importance.  By purchasing a virtual movie ticket (one or more), for 25USD, you are helping us reach the collective effort to sell 10 thousand movie tickets. Once that goal is reached, the movie will be released via social media : Vimeo/ YouTube, so the film will be publicly available for online watching anywhere anytime. I believe you will find this movie worth watching. 80% of the collected funds will help cover the movie's expenses. 10% will be dedicated the people in Tigray who need basic needs. Another 10% will be dedicated to a various Tigriyan artists who experienced the war and wish to produce scripts for new movies related to Tigrian human experience during the current war. Lots of effort was put into this movie, but for several reasons it has not yet reached its audience. Now, with your help I can make sure it will reach its goal and tell the world its important story. It is with a special word of thanks that I would like to mention my modest partner of heart and soul who helped me pursue my dreams and made this movie happen, a special generous human being who is dedicating his life and fortune to make our world better for future generations. I have learned so much from you. I would like to thank my family and friends from all over the world, who have been there for me in so many ways. You all gave me the strength and encouragement I needed to overcome all the obstacles along the way. I would like to thank you all in advance for taking action and joining the effort of this special cause. Please contribute this effort and share this message with your family and friends - Thank You !

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